Sun City Center
Organ and Keyboard Club

Organ and Keyboard Club Logo

Upcoming Events Page

The Armstrong Room will again be available for practice and extra help on Fridays from 1 - 4 p.m.

As always, we would like anyone who wishes to play to come early and entertain us before class begins.  It is so nice to hear music playing as we walk through the door and while we wait for class to begin.  Please arrive by 9:45 a.m. (or earlier if you would like to hear someone playing, or maybe you can play).

Try to arrive by 9:45 so business meeting can be over by 10:00.

The Armstrong Room will still be available 9 - 12 if anyone wants to use the organs and 1 - 4 p.m. Fridays.

May will be the final month of meetings until this fall.  Members will be notified on startup date.  Armstrong Room will be available for practice, etc Thursday’s from 9 - 12 (headsets not needed).  However Friday 1 - 4 room will be discontinued through June, July, August.

Instructor schedule is:  on hold until we return in September.

Remember the Armstrong Room from 9 - 12 a.m. Thursdays will still be open for players through the summer (earphones not needed), but Fridays 1-4 is not scheduled for Organ Club.  However if the room is not being used we see no reason why members could not make use of area (headphones needed) Friday afternoon.

Officers for the year 2024 are:

President - Mary Wirsing
Vice Pres. - Barb Carlini
Secretary - Jan Dippel
Treasurer - Don Martino

find us on facebook

As Listed on:
The Sun City Center Business Directory


Organ and Keyboard Repair

Last updated:
Tuesday May 21, 2024